
珠三角地区中小型转型升级企业人才结构、流动与开发 被引量:10

Talent Structure,Liquidity and Development of Transformation and Upgrading Small and Medium- sized Enterprise in the Pearl River Delta
摘要 本文基于当前珠三角地区中小型企业转型升级中人才瓶颈问题,从企业角度分析其人才结构特征与类型人才流动性特征,根据Price-Mueller雇员离职模型原理构建类型人才流动影响因素,使用两分类与多分类Logistic计量分析模型,从概率风险比率角度分析其不同类型人才流动性影响因素、人才开发模式及其与企业转型升级的关系。结论显示,当前,珠三角地区中小型转型升级企业人才结构多以"三低"模式为主,各种类型人才流动性对企业转型升级影响程度不同,管理类人才最大,技术技能型人才最小。企业需根据自身人才结构特点,采用不同的人才开发模式,引进人才、留住人才,并以此提升人才结构模式,缓解人才流动性,突破人才瓶颈,从人才供应角度保证企业转型升级顺利进行。 At present, the small and medium-sized enterprises are the main force of economic development in China, and there is the objective reality that the growth rate of economic development is slowdown and management and transformation and upgrading are harder, In addition to the enterprise financing and government policy support, the lack of high-end talents is the important influencing factor too. The paper contraposes the talent bottleneck prob- lems in the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Pearl River Delta at present and the deficiency of the microscopic quantitative research, and investigates the 854 enterprises at Long gang district in Shenzhen, and analyzes the talent structure and the type talent liquidity characteristics from the enterprise per- spective, and builds type talent flow influence factors from the four aspects which are personal factors ( personal fam- ily issues and personal and organizational coordination) , environmental factors (including the external environment (enterprise geographic traffic, public services, housing surrounding treatment) and internal work environment, man- agement system and corporate culture) , social factors (social security and household registration) , and intervening variable (salary, benefits and training learning promotion) according to the principle of Price-Mueller employee turnover model, and analyzes the liquidity factors of different types talent, talent development modes and the rela- tionship between them and the enterprise transformation and upgrading from the angle of risk ratio using 0 - 1 two classification Logistic econometric analysis model and multi-classification discrete Logistic econometric analysis model and R statistical software. The conclusions show that the firstly, the main mode of talent structure of transfor- mation and upgrading small and medium-sized enterprise in the pearl river delta is "the three low" mode which is the low age, the low education and the low technology at present; the secondly, the liquidity all kinds of talent has different impact on the transformation and upgrading of enterprise, the management talents and scientific research talents have the larger probability affect for transformation and upgrading tion and upgrading enterprises have more dependence on the management technology talent has the minimal probability grading enterprise ; the third, the talents flow impact because of its strong presents new features, salary choices of the enterprise, the transforma- talents and scientific research talents, the alternative to the transformation and up- and welfare have the larger influence for the low technical level talents, but has the gradually weakening information for the flow of the management and sci- entific research talents which are stronger depended on by the transformation and u the talents pay more attention to training learning, promotion, enterprise culture and gradually regard work and family life quality and environment as the main liquidity pgrading enterprise, the part of system and so on, many talents catalyst. Therefore, according to their own talent structure features, the enterprise should introduce talents using different talent development mode. comparing the salary and welfare with the same industry and the same position, and con- stantly adjust salary structure in order to keep attraction on the skilled talents, and introduce the top-level talents u- sing the flexible way such as hiring, borrow, part-time, restart, consulting and advisory, and improve enterprise inter- nal talents structure mode on the basis of existing talent structure, alleviate the talent liquidity, break through the tal- ent bottleneck, and supply the talent assurance for transformation and upgrading of enterprise.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期36-45,共10页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 广东省学科共建项目"区域产业结构升级中紧缺性人才供需的影响机制与测度"(GD13 XYJ17)
关键词 人才结构 人才结构流动 人才开发 LOGISTIC模型 the talent structure the type talent liquidity the talent development Logistic model
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