
雇佣关系变革下的多样化用工安排——管理控制视角的研究 被引量:7

A Study on the Diversified Work Arrangements in China from the Perspective of Management Control
摘要 以临时用工为代表的非传统雇佣方式发展迅猛。雇佣类型种类繁多,雇佣关系边界模糊,已成为组织用工的新常态,也妨碍了不同用工安排下的人力资源管理理论构建及相关实践指导。本研究基于管理控制视角,从控制来源和程度、工作关系的合约性质,以及工作关系涉及的参与主体三方面解析各类用工安排,将用工类型分为直接雇佣、共同雇佣、合约用工安排三个大类,并构建各类别下的子类分类体系;分析各用工类型中员工和管理者的态度及行为产生差异的根源及其对组织绩效的影响;最后探索该分类体系对组织人力资源管理研究和管理实践的启示与价值。 With the development of globalization of economy and diversification of labor market, non-tradition- al employment such temporary hire, short term hire, work at home, telework and contingent work in organizations has been developing rapidly, in which the employment relationship between organizations and employees becomes unclear and varied. The work arrangements has also changed. More and more work has been done by some new forms of work arrangements, such as part-time work, short-term contract labor, outsoureing, labor dispatch employ- ment, independent contractors, etc. While the employment practices have changed, the lack of an accepted defini- tion of various work arrangement types and lack of the understanding about the differences between these types of employment hamper the adoption of human resource management practices in organizations. The extant literatures on the classification of work arrangement paid less attention on the differences of those work arrangement types. While the classification about non-standard employment and standard employment, atypical employment and typical employment, and internal labor and external labor do not reflect the essential difference between the different types of work arrangement, they provide few guidance for organizational management practices. There is a need to further clarify the meaning and concept of the key features of these employment type and work arrangement, and propose a more systematical classification standards. Some scholars argued that control is the core issue of employment arrangements, since work control relates to, more or less, how organization can make its employee act. It is work control that have impacts on the attitudes, be- haviors and other performance of employees. Based on this, this paper attempts build a new classification frame for diversified work arrangements. Specifically, this paper first analyzes the control mechanism (direct control and in- direct control), the ownership of control ( mutual or single), the nature of the work contract between organizations and employees, and the place that work needs to be done of each work arrangement. Second, we classify those work arrangements into three categories: the direct employment, the co-employment, and the contract employment. Eleven sub-categories in the three category are also discussed. Third, we analyze how the work arrangement in each category have the impacts on the attitude, behavior, and the performance of employees. Forth, we discuss the fu- ture research opportunities for scholars based on this classification frame of work arrangement. One of the future re- search opportunities includes the organizational identification of temporary agent workers. For example, as for the client firm and the agent firm, which firm will those temporary agent workers identify to7 And why do they identify to? According to some scholars, reputation or image of organizations may play a big role in the development of em- ployee' s identification. Hence, the reputation or image of the two organizations could be an important antecedent variables of employee identification. Even there is a low level image of the agent firm, temporary employees will still enjoy their work when working in the client firm with a high level image or reputation, in which those temporary agent workers will give their identification to the client firm. This is real for many temporary workers working in Huawei, Tencent and other well-known companies in China. Very often, those temporary agent worker are more willing to admit that they are a member of the client firm, while legally they are not. Finally, this paper discusses the managerial challenges under the context of diversified employments and work arrangements faced by practitioners.
作者 蒋建武
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期159-167,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"员工-组织关系多元化变革背景下的员工创造力生成机理研究(71002080)" 国家自然科学基金项目"三方雇佣关系情境下派遣员工组织认同的影响因素及动态形成机理:一项追踪研究(71372184)"
关键词 用工安排 合约用工 管理控制 雇佣关系 人力资源管理 work arrangement contract wok management control employment relationship human resourcemanagement
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