
银纳米团簇颗粒局域表面等离激元增强荧光 被引量:1

Localized Surface Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence on Silver Nanoclusters
摘要 采用基于磁控等离子体团簇束流源的低能团簇束流沉积在石英衬底上制备了银纳米团簇颗粒,并测量了其透射光谱.将二氧化硅荧光纳米球分别分散在裸石英片和有银纳米团簇颗粒的石英片上,用波长为410 nm的激光激发,结果表明有银钠米团簇颗粒的荧光发射强度与没有银纳米团簇颗粒的荧光发射强度相比,增强倍数达5.3倍.最后,用Mie散射理论数值计算单个银纳米球颗粒在其表面等离激元共振位置处的电场强度分布,据此对实验结果进行了合理的解释. Using low energy cluster beam deposition based on magnetron plasma gas aggregation cluster source, we fabricated silver nanoclusters on a quartz substrate and measured its transmittance spectrum. Then we dispersed SiO2 fluorescent nanospheres separately on bare quartz substrates and quartz substrates with silver nanoclusters. We found that the fluorescence intensity with silver nanoclusters was 5.3 larger than that with- out silver nanoclusters. Finally, we used the Mie scattering theory to numerically calculate the electric field intensity distributions of a single silver nanosphere where surface plasmon resonance existed. We give a reasonable explanation for the experimental results.
出处 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期171-176,共6页 Journal of Applied Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.11304159 No.60778007) 教育部博士点基金(No.20133223120006) 南京邮电大学引进人才科研启动基金(No.NY213023)资助
关键词 银纳米团簇颗粒 表面等离激元 表面增强荧光 MIE散射理论 silver nanocluster, surface plasmon, surface enhanced fluorescence, Mie scattering theory
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