
政务大数据的开放与共享:条件、障碍与基本准则研究 被引量:51

The Opening and Sharing of Governmental Big Data:A Study on the Conditions,Obstacles,and Basic Principles
摘要 政务大数据蕴含着巨大的经济与社会价值,其开放与共享对于促进政府自身转型、社会需求获取模式转型以及产业经济转型都具有重要意义。相比较于西方发达国家开放政府的实践,我国尚未建立健全的政务大数据开放与共享机制,不能满足公共管理与公共服务的现实需求。文章通过分析如何实现政务大数据开放与共享的技术、法律与资源三个层面的基本条件,发现当前我国政务大数据开放与共享的现有障碍是顶层设计仍不完善,相关法律法规较为滞后,部门之间存在壁垒,缺少统一的元数据标准,政务大数据开放与共享过程中供给与需求脱节以及公民隐私权面临侵犯的风险。在大数据时代应建立全面开放、协同共享、平等对待、知识产权保护和隐私保护等基本准则,以公共价值为基本取向全面实现政务大数据的开放与共享。 Huge economic and social benefits can be derived from Governmental Big Data. The opening and sharing of Government Big Data is of great significance for promoting the transformation of government, the social demand acquisition pattern and the industrial economy. While "Open Government" is practiced in Western developed nations, effective opening and sharing mechanisms have not been established in China yet, making it difficult to meet the current needs in terms of public administration and public services. Based on our analysis of the basic conditions in technical, legal, and resource dimensions, we find several obstacles to opening and sharing governmental big data : 1 ) an incomplete top - level design, 2) insufficient laws and regulations, 3 ) departmental barriers, 4) a lack of unified metadata standards, 5) supply and demand imbalance, and 6) risk of violating the privacies of citizens. Finally, in the big data era, we should also establish a series of basic principles including overall opening, collaborative sharing, equal treatment and privacy protection, taking public value as the basic orientation in completely realizing the opening and sharing of governmental big data.
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期113-122,共10页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
基金 国家科技支撑计划"公共文化科技服务能力建设与绩效评估技术研究与示范"(项目编号:2015BAK26B00) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"公共文化服务的指标体系构建与绩效评估研究"(项目编号:12ZD020)
关键词 政务大数据 开放 共享 Governmental Big Data Opening Sharing
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