

Analysis of Trans Canada Corporation's Gas Pipeline Accident
摘要 随着天然气管道的快速发展,天然气管道的完整性管理日益受到人们的重视。Trans Canada公司是北美第三大天然气管道运营商,十分重视天然气管道的完整性管理。结合Trans Canada公司的管道事故案例,分析事故起因,提出了加强我国天然气管道完整性管理的相关措施以及合理化的改进建议。 With the rapid development of natural gas pipeline, gas pipeline's integrity management has attracted more and more attention. Trans Canada Corporation is North America's third-largest natural gas pipeline operator; it attaches great importance to the integrity management of the natural gas pipeline. Combined with this company's pipeline accident cases, the causes of these incidents were analyzed, and relevant measures to strengthen China's natural gas pipeline integrity management were puts forward as well as relevant suggestions for improvement.
出处 《当代化工》 CAS 2016年第3期649-651,656,共4页 Contemporary Chemical Industry
关键词 完整性管理 管道事故 安全建议 Integrity management Pipeline accident Safety suggestion
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