
中日韩粮食安全及合作研究 被引量:1

Studyon Food Security and It's Cooperation among China,Japan and Korea
摘要 中日韩都面临着"量"和"质"的粮食安全课题。在"量"的合作方面,日韩的粮食自给率虽低,但得益于良好的气候条件和技术水准,其优质大米、蔬果等在中国拥有很大的市场,高度机械化及精耕细作的生产方式可为中国所借鉴;中国廉价优质的农产品在日韩有极大的发展空间,且中日韩在海外农业开发方面也具有巨大的合作潜力。"质"的合作方面,中国应借鉴日韩的食品安全科技和管理经验,建立域内趋于统一的食品安全标准,以及利益和风险共同承担的食品安全监管体系;建立区域内进出口食品共有的信息追溯系统,保持区域内流通食品的信息透明性;规范媒体报道机制,提高媒体相关报道的客观性和真实性,防止消费者对食品安全的认知出现偏差,正确引导民众的消费行为。 China, Japan and Korea are facing "quantity" and "quality" issues of food security. For coopera- tion in quantity aspect, although Japan and Korea has low self--sufficiency rate of grain, they can have certain market in China because of high--quality agricultural products. China could learn from their advance agricultur- al technology and intensive cultivation technology. In addition, Japan and Korea have rich experiences in overseas agriculture development, also food safety technology and management which are considerable benefit for China to learn. China, Japan and Korea should strengthen food safety cooperation by establishing mutual food safety standard and food safety supervision system based on their common interests and risks; set up regional import and export food traceability system and maintain information transparency of regional food products; normative mass media's reporting mechanism and improve objectivity and authenticity of the media's reporting to avoid consumers 'cognitive bias towards food products and lead to good consumption behavior.
作者 王凤阳
机构地区 日本立命馆大学
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期91-99,共9页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 国家留学基金委员会“建设高水平大学公派博士研究生项目”资助 编号:201306260141
关键词 粮食安全 合作 中国 日本 韩国 Food security, Cooperation, China, Japan, Korea
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