
Wake Numerical Simulation of Wind Field Based on Two Modified Wind Engineering Models 被引量:1

Wake Numerical Simulation of Wind Field Based on Two Modified Wind Engineering Models
摘要 With the assumption of the Park model that the wake region is in linear expansion and the cross-wind is in multinomial and Gaussian distribution in wake region,one develops the Park-polynomial model and the ParkGaussian model to numerically simulate the wake flow field for a single wind turbine.Compared with the measured data of wind farm and the wind tunnel test,it shows that the prediction precision of wake field has been improved obviously under the modified initial wake radius.Moreover,both of the newly modified two models could well simulate the wind velocity in wake region,because the predicted results is approximately consistent with the test result,and the cross-wind distribution conforms to that of the real flow field.The two models have still inherited many advantages of engineering models,such as simple form,easy-to-code,and high computational efficiency.Particularly,the Park-Gaussian model is the best in overall performance among them. With the assumption of the Park model that the wake region is in linear expansion and the cross-wind is in multinomial and Gaussian distribution in wake region, one develops the Park-polynomial model and the Park- Gaussian model to numerically simulate the wake flow field for a single wind turbine. Compared with the measured data of wind farm and the wind tunnel test, it shows that the prediction precision of wake field has been improved obviously under the modified initial wake radius. Moreover, both of the newly modified two models could well simulate the wind velocity in wake region, because the predicted results is approximately consistent with the test result, and the cross-wind distribution conforms to that of the real flow field. The two models have still inherited many advantages of engineering models, such as simple form, easy-to-code, and high computational efficiency. Particularly, the Park-Gaussian model is the best in overall performance among them.
出处 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2016年第1期53-59,共7页 南京航空航天大学学报(英文版)
基金 funded jointly by the National Basic Research Program of China(″973″Program)(No2014CB046200) the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK2014059) the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
关键词 Park-polynomial model Park-Gaussian model wind turbine WAKE Park-polynomial model Park-Gaussian model wind turbine wake
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