对室内预制混凝土箱梁结构进行沥青高温摊铺模拟,研究了沥青高温对箱梁截面温差的影响分布规律。在预制小箱梁的顶板及沿截面高度方向埋入温度传感器,室内模拟4 cm厚AC-13沥青混合料高温摊铺,对所有温度测点进行了12 h的实时观测。对沥青高温摊铺引起的箱梁截面温差分布规律进行了统计和回归分析,结果表明,对腹板的影响深度约在40 cm以内;测点距顶板距离与测点达到最高温值的滞后时间成二次函数关系;测点最大温度变化值与各测点距顶板距离成对数关系。
Vertical temperature distribution on reinforced concrete box girder ridge caused by HMA during paving was investigated.Temperature sensors were embedded in the reinforced concrete box girder along the height of the girder to measure the grade of the temperature along the depth of the girder. Temperatures of the sensors along the depth were monitored for 12 hours all the real-time sooner after HMA of AC-13 with a 4 cm thickness of AC-13 was paved. Research results showed that: the influencing depth of temperatures on the box girder is 40 cm; the time the highest temperature raised is a quadratic function of the depth of the girder; a loga- rithmic relationship was found for the highest temperature change and its distance to the deck.
Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (Engineering and Technology)