Zhong Rong praises Tao Yuanming as "the First Hermit Poet" in The Realms of Poetry. Given in the Six Dynasties, however, this title was not recognized. Usually, he was called "hermit" or "idyllist", which is the consequence of Tao's unique form of hermit. He resigned and returned to the farm, refused to join the Lotus House and kept Buddhism and Taoism away, as well as the government selection, which made him "an alien" at that time. Disobeying traditional hermit and fighting against their trend actually reflect his "real seclusion". Tao Yuanming set up a new way to live a seclusive life artistically and combined hermit poems with rural life closely. There are more "idlly" than "seclusion" in his poems which is the expression of his liberal mind and poetic seclusion. As the pioneer in the revolution of the form of hermit poems, Tao turned it into a meaningful expression, created unique room for the spirit of hermit, promoted the influence of hermit poems and made great contribution to Chinese reclusion poetry.
Journal of Tongren University
Tao Yuanming
hermit poet
unique form
great contribution