〔目的〕观察镜检法与染色法对旋毛虫成囊前幼虫的检查效果。〔方法〕30只雌性昆明小鼠随机分为6组,每组5只。1组:每鼠经口感染20条旋毛虫肌幼虫,感染13 d剖杀;2组:每鼠经口感染20条旋毛虫肌幼虫,感染14 d剖杀;3组:每鼠经口感染20条旋毛虫肌幼虫,感染18 d剖杀;4组:每鼠经口感染100条旋毛虫肌幼虫,感染13 d剖杀;5组:每鼠经口感染100条旋毛虫肌幼虫,感染14 d剖杀;6组:每鼠经口感染100条旋毛虫肌幼虫,感染18 d剖杀。镜检法、染色法检查膈肌、腹肌中的幼虫。〔结果〕镜检法检查:1组、2组、4组、5组均未检出幼虫;3组膈肌、腹肌幼虫检出率分别为60%、40%;6组膈肌、腹肌幼虫检出率均为100%。染色法检查:1组未检出幼虫;2组、3组、4组、5组、6组小鼠膈肌幼虫检出率分别为60%、100%、80%、100%、100%;腹肌检出率分别为40%、100%、80%、80%、100%。3组染色法膈肌幼虫每克虫荷均数高于腹肌(膈与腹染色q3=3.42,P<0.05);6组染色法膈肌幼虫每克虫荷均数显著高于腹肌(膈与腹染色q6=7.63,P<0.01);3组、6组膈肌幼虫每克虫荷均数,染色法均显著高于镜检法(膈镜检与染色q3=5.24,q6=8.90,P<0.01);6组腹肌幼虫每克虫荷均数,染色法高于镜检法(腹镜检与染色q6=4.17,P<0.05)。〔结论〕旋毛虫感染早期的成囊前幼虫病原学检查结果,与感染数量、检查方法和取材部位均有关。感染较重的宿主,其寄生幼虫在肌细胞中出现时间,早于感染较轻的宿主;染色法优于镜检法;膈肌检出率高于腹肌。
〔Objective〕To observe the inspection results of trichinelloscopy and staining method for on Trichinella spiralis preencapsulated larvae( PEL). 〔Methods〕Thirty male Kunming mice were randomly divided into six test groups( with 5 mice per group). Test group No. 1: each mouse was inoculated orally with 20 muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and was killed after being infected for 13 days. Test group No. 2: each mouse was inoculated orally with 20 muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and was killed after being infected for 14 days. Test group No. 3: each mouse was inoculated orally with 20 muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and was killed after being infected for 18 days. Test group No. 4: each mouse was inoculated orally with 100 muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and was killed after being infected for 13 days. Test group No. 5: each mouse was inoculated orally with 100 muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and was killed after being infected for 14 days. Test group No. 6: each mouse was inoculated orally with 100 muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and was killed after being infected for 18 days.Trichinelloscopy and Staining method were used to inspect the Trichinella spiralis pre-encapsulated larvae in the diaphragm and abdominal muscle. 〔Results〕Results got through Trichinelloscopy: Test group No. 1, 2, 4, 5 were not found any PEL; for test group No. 3 the PEL rates in the diaphragm and abdominal muscle were 60% and 40% respectively; and the PEL rates both inthe diaphragm and abdominal muscle for test group No. 6 were 100%. Results got through staining method: Test group No. 1were not found any PEL; as for test group No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the PEL rates in the diaphragm were 60%, 100%, 80%,100% and100% respectively and the PEL rates in the abdominal muscle were 40%, 100%, 80%, 80% and 100% respectively. As for test group No. 3, the mean worm burden per gram for PEL in the diaphragm was higher than the number of PEL in the abdominal muscle( q3= 3. 42, P〈0. 05). And for test group No. 6, the mean worm burden per gram for PEL in the diaphragm was obviously higher than the number of PEL in the abdominal muscle( q6= 7. 63, P〈0. 01). In terms of the mean worm burden of PEL in the diaphragm in test group No. 3 and No. 6, staining method was much more efficient than Trichinelloscopy( q3=5. 24,q6= 8. 90, P〈0. 01). Besides, as for the the mean worm burden of PEL in the abdominal muscle in test group No. 6,staining method was still obvious than Trichinelloscopy( q6= 4. 17, P〈0. 05). 〔Conclusion 〕The inspecting results of Trichinella spiralis pre-encapsulated larvae( PEL) is related to the infected degree, inspecting method and also body parts being inspected. For the heavily infected host, the PEL appear earlier than in the lightly infected host. What's more, staining method is more efficient than Trichinelloscopy and inspecting the diaphragm is more efficient than inspectining the abdominal muscle.
Journal of Henan University:Medical Science
trichinella spiralis
pre-encapsulated larvae(PEL)
staining method