
基于实践经验的微博健康信息传播研究 被引量:6

Research on health information communication based on practical experience of Microblog
摘要 目的通过微博实践,总结微博健康信息传播规律,提出微博健康信息传播的建议。方法每天发布一定数量儿童健康相关微博和适量关注粉丝来扩大影响力和二度人脉;分析相关用户的微博,对比差异,总结微博健康信息传播规律。结果截至2014年5月17日共发布微博316篇,粉丝量664,主页浏览量691,达到一定的微博实践效果。通过相关用户微博的内部比较,总结出权威健康教育机构活跃度最低,传播效果最差;商业网站发布科普信息最多,活跃度最高;商业机构与意见领袖均不同程度地发布商业广告信息;医疗机构多使用微博进行日常工作宣传的特点。结论微博健康信息的传播效果需要长期积累、微博需要有人或团队专职运营以保证传播的持续性、一致性,内容的科学性以及信息的覆盖人群、微博发布的内容及形式需要在坚持可行性基础上追求多样化的规律。不同机构、公司与个人都有意使用了微博进行传播,大量泛滥的信息,对专业的健康教育机构带来新的挑战,建议加强对于网络的应用和研究,发展健康教育。 Objective To analyze the rules of microblog on health information communication among the users, and provide suggestions for operating the microblog in practice. Methods A certain number of microblogs which were related to children health care were released every day and some users were re-followed in order to enlarge the influence and fans. Other relevant Microblogs were collected and the rule of health information communication was summarized. Results By the end of 17th May, 2014, 316 Microblogs had been released and this ID had got 664 fans. The main page had been ac- cessed by 691 times. Consequently, this practice had some impact on the followers. Based on the comparison with other simi- lar microblogs, this paper concluded that the health communication via microblogs needed long term before being effec- tive. The microblog needed professional operation in order to ensure the consistency and the validity of the contents. Besides, the information coverage and the released approach should be applicable and various. Conclusion It is concluded that health communication via microblogs is effective in the long run. The microblog needs public health professionals to be prop- erly operated in order to ensure the consistency as well as the validity of health-related contents. Besides, the information coverage and the released approach should be applicable as well as performing multiple types of health information presenta- tion. Many institutions and individuals use the Microblog as an approach to influence the public, which lead to information o- verload. This brings new challenges to the professional health education institutions. The development and application of infor- mation technology should be paid attention to enlarge the impact of health education.
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2016年第2期141-143,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 微博 健康传播 实践 Microblog Health communication Practice
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