【目的】研究过氧化尿素对淹水胁迫下桃幼树生理特性和光合荧光参数的影响,旨在探明施用过氧化尿素对淹水胁迫下桃幼树胁迫伤害的缓解作用,为人为减轻或克服涝害对桃树的伤害提供有意义的参考。【方法】以1年生春美/毛桃[Prunus persica(Carr.)Franch.]嫁接苗为试材进行了盆栽试验。首先进行了淹水处理,观察树苗的生长状况;然后进行使用过氧化尿素肥料盆栽试验。试验共设4个处理,袋控过氧化尿素处理(T1),撒施过氧化尿素处理(T2),撒施普通尿素处理(T3),不施氮肥对照(CK)。肥料全部基施后进行淹水处理,于处理0、1、3、5、7天测定了过氧化尿素在土壤中的氧气释放特征,树苗叶片气体交换参数和地上部生理生化指标,第5天测定了叶绿素荧光参数。【结果】施用过氧化尿素可提高土表水体溶氧量,处理后7天内,袋控过氧化尿素处理水体溶氧量始终维持较高水平。淹水胁迫下,施用过氧化尿素处理桃幼树叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)下降幅度显著低于对照。处理5天后,施用过氧化尿素处理桃幼树叶片光合性能指标(PIABS),最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm),单位面积有活性反应中心的数量(RC/Cso)均高于对照,单位面积的热耗散(DIo/Cso)低于对照,差异显著;施用过氧化尿素处理(T1和T2)桃幼树叶片的Chl a、Chl b和Chl(a+b)分别比对照提高了10.72%、10.86%、10.87和5.71%、4.78%、5.57%,差异显著。施用过氧化尿素处理大大提高淹水胁迫下桃幼树叶片抗氧化酶(SOD、POD和CAT)活性,减少叶片MDA含量的增加幅度。淹水胁迫下施用过氧化尿素处理桃幼树根系活力、根系脯氨酸(Pro)含量高于对照,根系相对膜透性(RMP)和乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)活性低于对照,差异显著。【结论】施用过氧化尿素可提高土表水体溶氧量,提高淹水胁迫下桃幼树叶片抗氧化酶活性,增强植株抗逆性,有效缓解淹水胁迫对树体的伤害作用。
【Objectives 】The effect of urea peroxide on the physiological characteristics and photosynthetic fluorescence parameters was evaluated in young peach trees exposed to waterlogging stress to provide useful information for better peach production.【Methods】Pot experiments were conducted with one-year-old peach trees,‘Chunmei'as test materials. Firstly a pot experiment was conducted to determine the response of peach trees to waterlogging stress; then another pot trial was conducted to study the effect of urea peroxide application. Four treatments were designed: urea peroxide packed inside a bag and buried into 7 cm deep around the plants( T1);urea peroxide broadcasted into soil( T2),common urea basal applied( T3) and no N applied as control( CK). In the 0,1,3,5 and 7th day of waterlogging treatment,the oxygen release characters of urea peroxide in soil,the leaf gas exchange parameters of peach trees,and the physical and biochemical index in leaf and root were determined; In the 5th day,the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were measured. 【Results】The soil surfacewater dissolved oxygen concentration increased after the application of urea peroxide. The water dissolved oxygen concentration always maintained at a high level under the bag control urea peroxide treatment within 7 days after treatment. The application of urea peroxide significantly reduced the decrease amplitude of net photosynthetic rate( Pn) of young peach trees leaf,stomatal conductance( Gs) and transpiration rate( Tr). Five days after treatment,the young peach trees leaf performance index( PIABS),maximal photochemical efficiency( Fv / Fm),the numbers of active reaction center per unit area( RC / Cso) were significantly higher than control,and the increase ampltitude of the heat dissipation per unit area( DIo / Cso) was significantly lower than control under waterlogging stress. The values of Chl a,Chl b and Chl( a + b) of young peach trees leaf were significantly increased by 10. 72% 、10. 86% 、10. 87 and 5. 71% 、4. 78% 、5. 57%,respectively,under application of urea peroxide treatments( T1 and T2) than the control. Application of urea peroxide enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzyme( superoxide dismutase,peroxidase and catalase) in young peach trees leaves and alleviated the increase ampltitude of MDA in young peach trees leaves. The root activity,root proline( Pro) content were significantly higher than control,and the root relative plasma membrane permeability and alcohol dehydrogenase activity were significantly lower than control under application of urea peroxide treatments. 【Conclusions】Our study indicates that application of urea peroxide can alleviate the influence of waterlogging stress in young peach trees by increasing the soil surface water dissolved oxygen concentration,enhancing the activities of antioxidant enzyme.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
urea peroxide
young peach trees
waterlogging stress
alleviation effect