
全薄膜电致变色器件glass/ITO/NiO_x/ZrO_2∶H/WO_3/ITO中单层膜的表征及器件的光学性能 被引量:3

Characterization of Single Layers in All-thin-film Electrochromic Device(glass/ITO/NiO_x/ZrO_2:H/WO_3/ITO)and Optical Performance of Device
摘要 采用磁控溅射法制备了glass/ITO/NiOx/ZrO2:H/WO3/ITO全薄膜电致变色器件,并对单层膜的结构及性能进行了研究.器件中NiOx、ZrO2:H和WO3各单层薄膜的SEM、XRD以及XPS的测试结果表明:NiOx薄膜表面颗粒之间有孔隙存在,这些空隙有利于H+的嵌入和脱出;而ZrO2:H薄膜和WO3薄膜的表面粗糙,颗粒度较小,这样的表面形貌有利于电致变色反应的发生.采用紫外-可见光分光光度计对器件的光学性能及循环寿命进行研究,器件经历60000次连续着褪色循环后,着色响应时间明显迟缓,褪色响应时间变化不显著,在可见光范围内的透过率调节范围仍可以达到57.9%,表明该器件具有良好的可见光调制性能和较长的循环寿命,初步达到了商业化应用的要求. All-thin-film electrochriomic device with structure of glass/ITO/NiOx/ZrO2. H/WO3/ ITO was prepared by continuous magnetron sputtering. Morphology, crystal structure and elemental composition of NiOx, ZrO2: H and WO3 which play important roles in the device were presented. The results show that small pores are conductive to the extraction and injection of H+ exist in NiOx surface. Rough surface and smaller particle size were found on the surfaces of ZrO2 : H and WO3 films. Both ZrO2 : H and WO3 have amorphous structure, while NiOx presents cubic microcrystalline. Optical performance and cycle life of the device was investigated using visible transmission spectrum. Although col- oring responded much slowly after 60000 cycles, the bleaching response was fairly constant and visible transmittance modulation of the device still remained high at 57.9%. The results indicated that the device has excellent electrochromic performance and durability, and preliminary meets the requirement of commercial application.
出处 《聊城大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期23-27,共5页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Natural Science Edition
基金 北京高等学校青年英才计划项目(YETP1139)资助
关键词 磁控溅射 全薄膜电致变色器件 透过率 magnetron sputtering, all-thin-film electrochromic device, transmittance
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