
基于国家安全的互联网全球治理 被引量:7

Global Governance of the Internet Aimed at Ensuring National Security
摘要 在国家安全领域,互联网的国内治理对国家安全不可或缺,但因其无国界性、工具性、匿名性,单纯的国内治理会遭遇种种限制,故而互联网的全球治理显得尤为必要。基于国家安全的互联网全球治理模式,包括美国、加拿大等国宣扬的"多利益相关方"治理模式和中国、俄罗斯等国倡导的"多边主义"治理模式。互联网全球治理的实践表明,以民族国家为主导的"多边主义"治理模式能够更好地维护国家安全。互联网全球治理机制的完善,需要进一步强化互联网合作互助机制、标准实施协调机制、风险防范与评估机制等方面的建设,并注重互联网国内治理与全球治理的互动。 In the field of national security,domestic governance of the Internet is essential to national security,but the anonymity of the Internet and its nature as a tool that transcends national boundaries make pure domestic governance ineffective,generating an urgent demand for global governance of the Internet. Models of global governance of the Internet aimed at ensuring national security include the"multi-stakeholders"model promoted by countries such as the United States and Canada,and the "multilateralism"model advocated by nations like China and Russia. The practice of global governance of the Internet shows that as a nation-state-oriented governance model,the"multilateralism"model is more effective in ensuring national security. To improve the global governance mechanism for the Internet,it is necessary to further reinforce the mechanisms for cooperation and mutual-assistance,the mechanisms for coordinating the implementation of standards,and the mechanisms for risk evaluation and prevention.
作者 刘志云 刘盛
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期11-20,共10页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 中国法学会2015年重点委托课题"福建自贸区若干重大法律问题研究"(CLS(2015)ZDWT28) 国家社科基金项目"国际关系与国际法跨学科研究"(15BFX183) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"财税金融法"(20720151038)
关键词 国家安全 互联网 全球治理 national security Internet global governance
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