
经济与环保双目标班轮航线配船模型 被引量:5

A bi-objective model with economy and environmental protection for fleet deployment of liner routes
摘要 针对班轮航线配船问题,根据班轮多港口挂靠和货物直达运输航线形式的特征,基于航运业低碳环保要求,综合考虑船队的经济效益和环保效益,以研究期内船队利润最大和碳排放量最小为目标,建立经济、环保双目标班轮航线配船优化模型.根据模型特点,提出一种改进的带权理想点法,通过构造带权评价函数,将双目标规划问题转化为单目标规划问题,得到模型的最优解.以某航运公司的班轮船队为例进行分析,结果证明:该模型具有可行性,该优化求解方法具有实用性. Aiming at fleet deployment issue of liner routes,a bi-objective model with economy and environmental protection for fleet deployment of liner routes is established according to the liner route characteristics of multi-ports of call and through transportation to satisfy the environmental requirements of low carbon in shipping industry where the economic and environmental benefits of fleets are considered. The objectives of the model are to maximize the total profit of fleets and to minimize carbon emission during the research period. Based on the characteristics of the model,an improved ideal point method with weight is developed. By constructing an evaluation function with weight,the bi-objective programming issue is converted to a single objective programming issue,and then the optimal solution to the model is obtained. A liner fleet of a shipping company is taken as an example to demonstrate the model,and it shows that the proposed model is feasible and the optimized solving method is practicable.
出处 《上海海事大学学报》 北大核心 2016年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Maritime University
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20102125110002)
关键词 水路运输 双目标模型 理想点法 班轮运输 航线配船 waterway transportation bi-objective model ideal point method liner shipping fleet deployment
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