

The perturbation method for a backward heat equation
摘要 反向热传导问题是一类严重的不适定问题,它给数值处理带来了很大的不便。通过拟可逆正则化方法,恢复了解对数据的连续依赖性,并给出误差估计。通过提高先验光滑性假设得到了t=0时的收敛性。 The backward heat conduction problem( BHCP) is a severely ill-posed problem and it seems impossible to compute numerically on the data does not depend the solution when it continuously. In this paper,the stability of this problem is recovered by a perturbation method and the error estimates is given. The other improved by prior smoothness assumptions.
作者 刘利平
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第1期73-76,共4页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences
关键词 反向热传导问题 不适定问题 拟可逆方法 误差估计 backward heat conduction problem ill-posed problem the perturbation method error estimate
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