
关于MOOC热的理性思考——兼论“后MOOC”时期高校发展“混合式教学”的模式选择 被引量:7

Sober Reflections on the Mania of MOOC and on the Selection of Colleges and Universities about Blended Learning Models in Post-MOOC Era
摘要 近年来,MOOC成为高等教育领域的热点。对MOOC热形成的原因、背景以及现实困境进行了深入全面的理性分析,详细介绍了西方"后MOOC"时期几种具有代表性的课程模式。在此基础上,提出了我国高校发展MOOC教学的基本原则,并着力构建了我国高校四种主要的混合式教学模式,为高校的教学改革提供借鉴。 In recent years, the MOOC has become one of hotspots in the field of higher education. The article analyzed thebackground, the reason and the predicament about the MOOC mania deeply, and introduced several representative curriculum modelsin the Post-MOOC Era. Based on this, the article put forward the basic principles about the progress of MOOC in colleges anduniversities of our country for building the four main types of Blended Learning models in colleges and universities in order to providereference for the reform of teaching in colleges and universities.
作者 张辉
出处 《唐山师范学院学报》 2016年第2期136-142,共7页 Journal of Tangshan Normal University
基金 安徽省重点教学研究项目(2014jyxm235) 安徽省高校教师教学发展联盟教研项目
关键词 MOOC 后MOOC 混合式教学 高等院校 MOOC post-MOOC blended learning colleges and universities
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