
儿童保健门诊婴幼儿贫血监测分析 被引量:3

Child Health Clinic Monitoring Analysis of Anemia in Infants
摘要 目的对儿童保健门诊婴幼儿贫血情况进行监测、分析。方法选择2013年8月—2015年8月间在该院门诊进行体检或血液检查的婴幼儿240例,所有入选婴幼儿均接受血液检查。统计0~6个月,7~12个月,13~24个月婴幼儿的贫血例数;统计女性婴幼儿与男性婴幼儿的贫血例数。所有入选婴幼儿根据喂养方式进行分组,单纯母乳喂养为A组,奶粉喂养为B组,B组婴幼儿中采用奶粉联合母乳及辅食喂养的为B1组,奶粉联合辅食辅食喂养的为B2组,对A、B、B1、B2 4个组的婴幼儿贫血情况进行统计分析。结果 7~12个月的贫血检出率明显高于0~6个月和13~24个月的贫血检出率,P〈0.05,数据差异具有统计学意义;0~6个月的贫血检出率明显高于13~24个月的贫血检出率,P〈0.05,数据差异具有统计学意义;男性、女性婴幼儿间的贫血检出率无明显差异,P〉0.05,数据差异无统计学意义;母乳喂养婴幼儿的贫血检出率明显低于奶粉喂养的婴幼儿,P〈0.05,数据差异具有统计学意义;奶粉联合母乳及辅食喂养婴幼儿的贫血检出率明显低于奶粉联合辅食喂养的婴幼儿,P〈0.05,数据差异具有统计学意义。结论婴幼儿在7~12个月时属于贫血的多发期,及时合理添加辅食及继续母乳喂养可有效减少婴幼儿贫血情况的发生。 Objective To child care clinics infant anemia, condition monitoring, analysis. Methods Choose between August2013- August 2015 in my clinic for a medical or blood test 240 cases of infant, all included in infants and young children accept blood tests. Statistics 0~6 months, 7 to 12 months, 13 to 24 months infant anemia cases; Statistical female infants with anemia cases of male infants and young children. All the babies and infants grouped according to the feeding way, pure breast-feeding for group A, milk powder for group B, group B in infants and young children with joint breast milk and milk powder consisting of feeding for B1 group, jointly assist food consisting of feeding milk powder for B2 group, to A and B,B1, B2 infant anemia of four groups were analyzed. Results 7~12 months of anemia was much higher than 0 to 6 months and 13 to 24 months of anemia detection rate, P〈0.05, the data statistically significant difference; 0 to 6 months of anemia was much higher than that of 13~24 months anemia detection rate, P〉0.05, the data statistically significant difference; Between male and female infant anemia detection rate of no significant difference, P〈0.05, there was no statistically significant difference data; Breast-feeding infant anemia was much lower than bottle-feeding infants and young children, P〈0.05, the data statistically significant difference; Joint breast milk and milk powder consisting anemia was much lower than of the infant milk powder feeding joint consisting of feeding infants and young children,P〈0.05, data difference is statistically significant. Conclusion Infants and young children at 7-12 months belong to the seasons of anemia, timely and reasonable to add side dish and continue breastfeeding can effectively reduce infant anemia.
作者 吴晶 李佳
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2015年第30期119-121,共3页 China Health Industry
关键词 儿童保健门诊 婴幼儿 贫血 检测分析 Children health clinics Infants and young children Anemia Testing analysis
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