

The Effect of Risk Assessment on Transport Management of Critically Ill Patients
摘要 目的研究并探讨风险评估在危重患者管理中的重要性,为提高危重患者的院内转运安全系数提供可供参考的指导意见。方法对该院2013年1—12月危重患者的转运情况进行分析,对出现的转运危险事件进行统计,并对出现转运危险事件的原因进行分析。根据转运危险事件出现的原因,该院于2014年1月开始,对危重患者实行风险评估制度,施行全面的风险管理。对比2013年1—12月和2014年1—12月该院危重患者转运过程中出现的危险事件发生率、抢救成功率、医患纠纷、满意度。结果 2013年1—12月,该院共有183例危重患者转运,危险事件发生率为15.30%,抢救成功率为87.98%,发生1起医患纠纷,患者及其家属对医疗服务的满意度为90.16%;2014年1—12月期间施行风险评估,该院共有207例危重患者转运,危险事件发生率为5.31%,抢救成功率为96.14%,未发生医患纠纷,患者及其家属对医疗服务的满意度为98.07%。与2013年相比,2014年该院危重患者的转运危险事件发生率明显降低(P<0.05),其抢救成功率和满意度也明显提高(P<0.05),医疗纠纷减少。结论在危重患者的管理中实行风险评估制度,有利于保障危重患者的转运安全,提高危重患者的抢救成功率和患者及其家属对医疗服务的满意度,有利于促进护患关系的和谐发展。 Objective To study and discuss the importance of risk assessment in the management of critically ill patients,and to provide the guidance for improving the safety factor of the patients in the hospital. Methods The transportation of critical patients in our hospital from January 2013 to December 2013 were analyzed, and the risk events were analyzed. According to the reasons for the occurrence of the risk of transport, our hospital in January 2014 to December 2014, the implementation of risk assessment system for critically ill patients, the implementation of a comprehensive risk management.Compared with the risk events in the course of transport of critically ill patients in our hospital from to January 2013 to December 2013 and Janucry 2014 to Derember 2014, the rate of occurrence of the risk events, the success rate of rescue, the doctor-patient disputes, satisfaction. Results During January 2013 to December 2013, our hospital a total of 183 cases of transport of critically ill patients, risk event occurrence rates of 15.30%, success rate of rescue 87.98%, 1 patient disputes occur, patients and their families to the medical service satisfaction was 90.16%; during January 2014 to December 2014 during the implementation of risk assessment, our hospital total 207 transport of critically ill patients, risk event occurred rate to 5.31%, the rescue success rate was 96.14%, without the occurrence of medical disputes, patients and their families to the medical service satisfaction was 98.07%. Compared with 2013, in 2014 our hospital critically ill patients with a significant reduction in the rate of transport of dangerous events(P〈0.05), the success rate and satisfaction of its rescue is also significantly increased(P〈0.05), the medical dispute reduction. Conclusion The implementation of risk assessment system in the management of critically ill patients, is conducive to the transport safety guarantee in critically ill patients, improve the satisfaction of the critically ill patients rescue success rate and patients and their families for medical services, to promote the harmonious development of the nurse patient relationship.
作者 高丹
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2015年第33期56-58,共3页 China Health Industry
关键词 危重患者 风险评估 转运 Critically ill patients Risk assessment Transport
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