目的研究复方葛根片对衰老模型大鼠骨的保护作用,进而分析其作用机制。方法将大鼠随机分为正常对照组、模型组、阳性组(苯甲酸雌二醇)和复方葛根片低、中、高剂量组,除正常对照组外其余各组于上午9∶00注射大剂量D-半乳糖溶液,制备亚急性衰老模型,阳性组和复方葛根片低、中、高剂量组于下午15∶00灌胃给药,连续8周后,禁食24 h,腹腔取血,摘取卵巢或附睾,制备其病理切片,备用。结果复方葛根片能增加血液中的血清钙、血清磷、碱性磷酸酶含量(P<0.05),显著降低骨钙素水平(P<0.05,P<0.01)、增加雌激素的水平(P<0.05,P<0.01),改善卵巢、附睾的组织细胞结构,维持其正常的生理功能。结论复方葛根片通过改善性腺组织细胞的结构,增强其生理功能,调节性激素的分泌,从而改善骨代谢,起到保护衰老模型大鼠骨骼的作用。
Objective To study the protective effect of compound Gegen tablest on bone in aged rats,and to analyze its mechanism. Methods The rats were randomly divided into normal group,model group,positive group( estradiol benzoate),high,middle and low dose of compound Gegen tablet groups. The last five groups of rats were injected with a large dose of D-galactose solution to prepare the subacute aging model in the morning,while the experimental groups and the positive group were administered orally in the afternoon for 8 weeks. The abdominal blood was taken and the ovaries or testes were harvested to prepare pathological sections. Results D-galactose induced changes in the structure and function of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis cells and pituitary stimulating hormone cells,thus accelerating the aging of rats. The compound Gegen tablets increased the content of ALP,s-P and s-Ca in the blood,significantly reduced the level of bone gla protein,increased estrogen,improved tissue cell structure of the ovary and testis,and maintained their normal physiological function. Conclusion The compound Gegen tablets can enhance physiological function,regulate ohormone secretion,and improve the bone metabolism by improving the structure of cells of gonadal tissue.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
compound gegen tablet
aged rats
hormone secretion
bone gla protein