
嗜热菌与堆肥:老技术的新见解(英文) 被引量:1

Thermophilic fungi and composting: new lnsights into an old technology
摘要 应用不依赖于培养方法的分子技术,研究堆肥中真菌群落的组成及其随温度变化的现象,正在修正以往人们对堆肥过程中重要真菌类群的认识。另外,新一代测序技术的利用虽有限,但已经较先前开始时揭示出更大、更多样化的菌物群落特异性。嗜热菌物种的数量,潜在地促进了先前研究的非特异性嗜热菌物种被大量发现,这些菌物可能具有重要的生物技术应用潜能。 The application of non-culture dependent molecular techniques to study the composition and temporal changes in fungal communities during composting is beginning to revise our previous understanding of the important groups in the composting process. In addition,limited studies using next generation sequencing is beginning to reveal a greater and more diverse fungal community than previously characterised and may lead to the expansion in the number of known thermophilic species and potentially lead to the discovery of previously uncharacterised thermophiles that may have important biotechnological applications.
出处 《菌物研究》 CAS 2015年第4期239-243,共5页 Journal of Fungal Research
关键词 堆肥 嗜热真菌 Compost thermophilic fungi
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