

The Rehabilitation Value of Physical Exercise: a Case Study of Elderly Patients With Sarcopenia
摘要 肌少症是一种随增龄而发生的病理现象,目前国内外对它还没有统一的定义。它与肌肉功能,生理表现,生活质量的减少以及个人独立能力的丧失有关。而体育锻炼,尤其是阻抗锻炼,已经被证实是肌少症康复的有效对应措施,它可以抑制下降,在本质上改变老年人生理功能,对老年人积极老龄化起到促进作用。该文大致总结了国内外对肌少症的研究现状,结合现状分析试图阐释正确的体育锻炼所存在的康复价值。 Sarcopenia is a pathological phenomenon that occurs with age,and there is no consensus definition of it.It is associated with muscle function,physical performance,reduction of quality of life,and loss of personal independence.Physical exercise,especially resistance exercise,has been proved to be an effect way to rehabilitate the sarcopenia,which can be decreased by inhibition,in essence changing physiological function in the elderly,and plays a role in promoting the elderly active aging.This article summarizes the domestic and foreign research status of sarcopenia,combined with the status quo analysis to explain the correct physical exercise of the value of rehabilitation.
作者 宗美桥
出处 《当代体育科技》 2015年第36期211-212,共2页 Contemporary Sports Technology
关键词 体育锻炼 肌少症 积极老龄化 康复价值 Physical exercise Sarcopenia Active aging Rehabilitation value
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