目的调查阅兵部队炊事人员卫生知识知晓情况,为开展针对性培训提供参考。方法设计统一的调查问卷,随机抽取参加纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵饮食保障的炊事人员进行现场集中答卷。结果 190名调查对象平均得分72.60分,其中优、良、中、差分别占24.74%、38.41%、26.84%、10.00%;"食品卫生法规、营养卫生基础、食品安全管理、食品加工制作、食物中毒预防"五个部分的得分率分别为78.31%、86.63%、73.05%、68.40%、60.96%,不同"考核内容"间的得分率差异无统计学意义;不同文化程度、从业年限、受训时间的炊事人员卫生知识知晓率差异无统计学意义。结论在安排炊事人员培训内容时,在做好基础性、全面性的基础上,应结合受训人员实际,增强系统性和创新性,尤其应结合部队任务、驻训环境及饮食供应状况,开展针对性专项培训,有必要加强食物中毒预防等方面知识的培训。
Objective The investigation of health knowledge awareness to kitchen staff to review troops, to carry out targeted training to provide reference. Methods to design a unified questionnaire, randomly selected to participate in to commemorate the 70 th anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan military diet support of cooking personnel were on the scene of the answer. Results 190 respondents scoring average 72.60 points, including excellent, good, fair, poor accounted for 24.74% and 38.41, 26.84%, 10.00%, respectively; "making regulations on food hygiene, nutrition and health foundation, food safety management, food processing, food poisoning prevention" five parts of the scoring rate were 78.31%,86.63%, 73.05%, 68.40%, 60.96%, assessment content between the score rate, there was a significant difference; different culture degree, working years, training time of cooking personnel health knowledge awareness rate of no significant difference. Conclusion In the arrangement of the cooking personnel training content, do a good job on the basis of basic and comprehensive should be combined with trained personnel, enhancement of system and innovation, in particular, should be combined with the task force, in training environment and food supply situation, carry out for special training, it is necessary to strengthen the food poisoning prevention and other aspects of knowledge training.
China Health Industry
To commemorate the 70 anniversary of the victory of the war parade
Cooking personnel
Health knowledge survey