
中南部非洲纳米比亚三级成矿区带划分 被引量:5

Division of metallogenic belts(zones)in Namibia in central south Africa
摘要 纳米比亚矿产资源丰富,是非洲第四大矿产国,现已发现矿产30多种,主要生产金刚石、铀、铜、金、银、铅、锌等,其外汇收入的一半以上来自矿产品。文章在查阅文献资料的基础上,详细研究了该国区域成矿地质背景、矿产资源分布特征,结合成矿理论和成矿规律研究的新成果,对纳米比亚成矿规律进行了研究,提出三级成矿区带划分方案,全区共划分8个Ⅲ级成矿区带,对进一步圈定重要找矿远景区提供了依据。 Namibia is abundant with mineral resources and is the fourth mineral producer in Africa.More than 30 mineral resources have been discovered in the country and diamond,U,Cu,Au,Ag,Pb and Zn are the main products.More than half of its foreign currency income is from export of mineral resources.Referring to geological literatures about Namibia are dealt with the geological and metallogenic background,distribution characteristics of mineral resources in the paper.Combined with new metallogenic theory and metallogenic pattern of Namibia division scheme of metallogenic belts(zones)III in the country is put forward and 8belts(zones)are delineated laying a foundation for further location of potential mineral targets..
出处 《地质找矿论丛》 CAS CSCD 2015年第A01期53-59,共7页 Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research
基金 中国地质调查局国外矿产资源风险勘查基金项目"中南部非洲重要成矿带成矿规律研究与资源潜力分析"(编号:科[2011]D3-04)资助
关键词 纳米比亚 地质背景 构造 矿产 达马拉带 成矿区带 Namibia geological background tectonics Damara mobole belt metallogenic belt
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