
赞比亚坎萨希(Kansanshi)铜矿床成矿地质特征及成因 被引量:2

Geological characteristics and genesis of Kansanshi Cu deposit in Zambia
摘要 坎萨希(Kansanshi)铜矿位于赞比亚北部赞比亚铜矿带西部,为大型铜金铀等多金属矿。矿床产于新元古界含膏岩碳酸盐岩变质地层中,成矿期为晚寒武世(513~511 Ma)。在古封闭海和海湾环境下形成了铜的预富集层位,新元古代达马拉—卢菲利安(Damalan-Lufilian)弧造山活动后期的退变质作用及热液作用形成铜的矿化,铜矿化主要产于前寒武纪片岩的构造发育部位。 Kansanshi is a large Cu-Ag-U deposit located in the western part of the copper belt.It occurs in the gypsum-bearing carbonate stratum and was formed in Late Cambrian(513~511 Ma)during which retrograde metamorphosed and hydrothermal filling mineralization took place based on pre-enriched copper strata at Neo-proterozoic Damalan-Lufilian arc.Mineralization is mainly developed in Pre-cambrian schist.
出处 《地质找矿论丛》 CAS CSCD 2015年第A01期112-118,共7页 Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research
基金 中国地质调查局国外矿产资源风险勘查专项资金项目"中南部非洲重要成矿带成矿规律研究与资源潜力分析"(编号:科[2011]D3-04)资助
关键词 坎萨希铜-银-铀矿床 层控型矿床 晚寒武世 退变质作用 赞比亚 Kansanshi Cu-Ag-U deposits strata bound deposit Late Cambrian postmetamorphism Zambia
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