
韩国公共图书馆健康信息服务发展的研究 被引量:6

Study on the Development of Health Information Service in South Korean Public Libraries
摘要 韩国公共图书馆帮助读者在各种话题上获得信息。然而,健康相关的信息和服务与其它服务相比却描述很少。虽然公共图书馆读者对于搜寻健康资料很积极,但是,对于图书管理员和读者来说,建立使用和评价网上健康资源的技能变得至关重要。韩国公共图书馆的研究为图书管理员和图书馆读者如何评估在线健康网站的有用与否制定了标准,以便提供图书馆管理员为其读者推荐最好健康网站的标准。虽然这项研究只在韩国公共图书馆进行,然而这些结果可用于全球图书馆提供评价健康网站的服务参考。 Public libraries in South Korea assist users in obtaining information on a variety of topics.However,health-related information and service have a lower profile than other service due to a perceived lack of librarian expertise in searching and evaluating health resource.Although public library users are actively seeking health information,it has become critical for both public librarians and users to develop skills for using and evaluating internet health resource.Therefore,this study was conducted to identify a set of useful criteria to evaluate online health websites for both librarians and library users.From a comprehensive literature review,33 criteria related to health website evaluation were identified.Using this set of criteria,South Korean public librarians and users were asked to rate the importance of each criterion in surveys.A strong consensus was found between the two groups.The top 10 most highly rated criteria from both groups were identified and compared.The results led to the development of an initial set of 12 evaluation criteria for health websites.It is expected that the final set of criteria will be used by public librarians to recommend the best health websites to their users.Although the study was conducted in South Korean public libraries,the findings were applicable in providing evaluation services of health websites to libraries worldwide.
作者 朱纯琳
机构地区 南京图书馆
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2016年第4期170-177,共8页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 公共图书馆 健康信息服务 在线服务 韩国 Public library Health information service Online service Korea
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