利用Arc-GIS 9.3软件,分别从海拔、降雨量、坡度、坡向等因子角度结合凤丹牡丹适生条件,经过评价模型建立、因子标准化、专家打分确定因子权重对凤丹牡丹在重庆地区的栽植做适应性评价,并就不同因子制作适宜分级图。结果表明,海拔因子、坡度因子和年均温度因子的评价结果类似,凤丹牡丹在渝东南和渝东北的适应性较高;而降雨量因子和土壤酸碱度因子的适宜分级图有一定的相似性。各因子权重分配后得出凤丹牡丹在渝地区适应性较高的地区主要集中在渝东北的城口、巫溪、巫山和奉节一带以及南川地区。这与实际的引种栽植试验结果一致。
Cultivation adaptability of P. ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang in Chongqing area were evaluated and the appropriate classification figures of different factors were developed based on evaluation modelling, standardization of influence factors, and expert scoring from different factors such as altitude, precipitation, slope and aspect by using Are-GIS 9.3 software. The evaluation of altitude, slope and annual average temperature factors had similar results that this species had higher adaptability for cultivation in southeast and northeast of Chongqing, while the evaluation of mean annual precipitation and soil pH factors showed similarity to some extent in appropriate classification figures. The most suitable areas for P. ostii ' cultivation were mainly distributed in Wuxi, Wushan, Fengjie and Kaixian that located in northeast Chongqing based on factor-weight distribution evaluation. This result was consisted with actual field experiments of species introduction and cultivation.
Journal of West China Forestry Science