猪伪狂犬病是《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020年)》中优先防治的16种动物疫病之一,到2020年要达到规划设定的考核标准。为了有效控制猪场的猪伪狂犬病,对厦门市翔安区猪伪狂犬病感染状况进行流行病学调查,估计翔安区猪伪狂犬病的流行率。本研究使用猪伪狂犬病病毒g E-ELISA试剂盒,共检测1 411份血清样品,并实地调查20个猪场,了解猪场饲养管理和免疫情况。结果显示,翔安区猪伪狂犬病血清学场流行率为74.4%(95%CI:60.0%~88.7%),个体流行率为57.9%(95%CI:56.4%~59.4%)。
Pseudorabies is one of the 16 kinds animal diseases should be preferentially prevented and controlled according to the Chinese National Medium and Long-term Plan for Animal Epidemic Prevention and Control, and must to achieve criteria of assessment by2020. In order to effectively control Pseudorabies, an epidemiological investigation was conducted to understand the infection situation of Pseudorabies in Xiangan to estimate the prevalence. PRV g E-ELISA kit was used to test g E antibody,a total of 1 411 serum samples were tested and 20 pig farms were investigated to know management and immune state. The result showed that the farm prevalence of Pseudorabies was 74.4%(95% CI:60.0%~ 88.7%), the individual prevalence was 557.9%(95% CI:56.4%~59.4%).
Fujian Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary medicine