
维杰·瑟沙德里的声音诗艺和传统 被引量:1

The Art of Doing Voices:Vijay Seshadri and the Poetic Consciousness
摘要 2014年普利策诗歌奖得主维杰·瑟沙德里是一位擅于处理声音的诗人。面对一个悠久丰富的英诗传统,他的诗歌以跨界的文体风格、对人称的实验性探索、突降式的行文结构独树一帜。他在诗作中频频化身他人,通过形形色色的人物声音讲述当代城市生活故事、反映时代问题。相较惠特曼集大成者的自我独立宣言,瑟沙德里用自己的方式把自我归还给了当代美国芸芸众生,并倾听他们的声音,听他们讲述普遍"意识"的不同人生故事。他相信书写普遍人性意识的诗歌最终能够带领自我走出身份的困扰、环境的桎梏和历史的梦魇。 Vijay Seshadri, winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Poetry Prize, defines himself as a poet who does voices. Alongside a profound tradition of English poetry, his poems feature a trans-genre prosaic style, an experimental employment of poetic voices, and a typically Seshadrian structural turn that conveys meaning. The richness of his poems lies in his ability to imaginatively transgress what others consider boundaries of identity. Be- lieving that poetry can free the disassociated self from the borders of places and the nightmare of history, Seshadri creates a variety of poetic identities and tells a kaleido- scopic collection of contemporary urban stories in voices that lead to an omnipresent hu- man consciousness.
作者 林大江
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期22-31,共10页 Foreign Literature
关键词 瑟沙德里 声音 传统 意识 自我 Vijay Seshadri, voice, tradition, consciousness, self
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  • 1Ashbery, John. "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror." Poetry (August 1974) : 247-61.
  • 2Bishop Elizabeth. The Complete Poems: 1927-1979. London: Hogarth, 1983.
  • 3Dickinson, Emily. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ed. Thomas H. Johnson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960.
  • 4Eliot, T. S. Collected Poems: 1909-1962. London: Faber, 1963.
  • 5Eliot, T. S. "The Three Voices of Poetry." On Poetry and Poets. New York: Farrar, 1957.96-112.
  • 6Frost, Robert. The Poetry of Robert Frost. Ed. Adward Connery Lathem. London: Vintage, 2001.
  • 7Graywolf Press. "About the Book: Praise for Vijay Seshadri." Web. 6 Jan. 2015.
  • 8Lowell, Robert. Day by Day. New York.. Farrar, 1978.
  • 9The Pulitzer Prizes. "The 2014 Pulitzer Prize Winners: Poetry." The Pulitzer Prizes (2014). Web. 9 July 2014.
  • 10Quinn, Alice. "A Poet of Belief." The New Yorker (June 14, 2004). Web. 26 Dec. 2014.









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