

Research on Urbanization and Industrial Development Relations in Hebei Province
摘要 城镇化是社会经济发展和结构进化的必经之路,它具体涉及到人口、经济、社会、环境以及产业等多个方面。本文首先探讨新型城镇化对产业发展的新要求,然后在此基础上着重研究河北省城镇化与产业发展相关关系,试图得出河北省城镇化与产业发展之间关系的一些结论,从而为推动河北省新型城镇化的发展起到参考价值。 The urbanization is the only way which must be passed to social and economic development and structural evolution. It relates specifically to the population, economy, society, environment and other aspects of the industry. This paper firstly discusses the new requirements of the new urbanization on the development of the industry, and then focuses on the relationship between urbanization and industrial development in Hebei province trying to find some conclusions to the relationship between the urbanization and industrial development, and provides valuable references~ for promoting the development of new urbanization in Hebei.
作者 赖光宝
出处 《价值工程》 2016年第11期256-258,共3页 Value Engineering
基金 河北省科技计划项目<京津冀协同发展背景下冀东县域城镇化发展战略研究>(编号为154576263)阶段性成果
关键词 河北省 城镇化 产业发展 Hebei province urbanization industrial development
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