Software Guide
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4屈慧姣,郭银章.基于改进粒子群算法的云计算虚拟机资源配置优化研究[J].计算机应用研究,2020,37(S02):116-118. 被引量:10
7Longfei He,Mei Xue,Bin Gu.Internet-of-things enabled supply chain planning and coordination with big data services:Certain theoretic implications[J].Journal of Management Science and Engineering,2020,5(1):1-22. 被引量:6
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10赵宏伟,申德荣,田力威.云计算环境下资源需求预测与调度方法的研究[J].小型微型计算机系统,2016,37(4):659-663. 被引量:24