

Automated Trust Negotiation Model Based on Web Services Standards
摘要 自动信任协商技术可以应用于Web服务中作为其认证授权模式.讨论了根据WS-Policy规范基于令牌的模式描述信任协商策略,扩展WS-Trust的质询/响应框架,构建符合WS系列规范的信任协商会话,提出了自动信任协商的软件系统实现框架. Automated Trust Negotiation( ATN) has previously been proposed as an appropriate authorization model for use in a web services context. In this paper,we show how the existing token based security model described by the WS-Policy standard can be used to specify ATN policies; we also propose extensions to WS-Trust's challenge / response framework that can be used to facilitate ATN sessions in a fully standards-compliant manner; we present an ATN Framework for prototyping and evaluating trust negotiation systems.
出处 《成都大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期58-63,共6页 Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 自动信任协商 认证 授权 WEB服务 Automated Trust Negotiation authentication authorization web service
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