

Research on the Relationship between Consumer Unethical Behaviors and Employee's Service Sabotage:the Moderating Role of Moral Identity
摘要 本文旨在探讨并非针对员工的消费者不道德行为(CUB)与员工服务破坏的关系,以及道德认同在其间的调节作用。选取企业员工305人,用并非针对员工的消费者不道德行为量表、消费者人际不公平量表、道德认同量表和服务破坏量表进行测量。结果显示:1在控制了消费者人际不公平的效应后,CUB仍然会引发员工的服务破坏;2CUB与内化道德认同、象征化道德认同对服务破坏的影响存在三元交互的关系:当个体的内化道德认同较低时,CUB与服务破坏的关系受到象征化道德认同的调节,象征化道德认同越高则个体在遭受CUB时反而越是倾向于从事服务破坏行为,但是象征化道德认同的这一调节效应并不存在于内化道德认同较高个体中。得出了CUB是引发内化道德认同较低的员工的服务破坏的风险性因素的结论。 This research investigated the relationship between CUB and employees' customer-directed sabotage and the moderating role of moral identity in this relationship. Method 305 employees participated in this study and were measured by Customer Unethical Behavior Scale, Customer Interpersonal Injustice Scale, Moral Identity Scale and Customer-directed Sabotage Scale.Research revealed that CUB related positively to customer-directed sabotage over and above consumers' employee-directed interpersonal injustice. Moreover, the association between CUB and employees' sabotage was moderated by 2 dimensions of moral identity(symbolization and internalization) in the form of a 3-way interaction. Moral identity symbolization moderated the positive relationship between CUB and sabotage, such that symbolization increases service sabotage for people who are low, but not high, in moral identity internalization when facing CUB. Conclusion CUB is one of the risk factors of service sabotage of individuals low in moral identity internalization.
作者 徐亚萍
出处 《特区经济》 2016年第3期43-47,共5页 Special Zone Economy
基金 浙江省社科联2016年度项目(项目编号:2016N22M) 浙江省2015年度高等教育课改项目(项目编号:kg2015794) 绍兴市2014年高等教育课改项目"对分课堂:高职院校心理健康教育课堂教学新探索"阶段性研究成果
关键词 消费者不道德行为 内化道德认同 象征化道德认同 服务破坏 Customer unethical behavior Moral identity internalization Moral identity symbolization Service sabotage
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