
直面升级版之新闻翻译标准与新闻正义——从语篇分析法看保持大国风范的案例 被引量:2

Upgrading the News Translation Standard and Accepting the Justice of Journalism——With a Discourse Approach to a Case of the Noble Bearing of the Chinese Nation
摘要 在全球化时代,独具跨文化特色的新闻翻译必须直面新闻正义以保持大国风范,这就需要对新闻翻译标准进行全面升级。基于笔者本世纪15年来所进行的新闻翻译实践、教学及研究,已将"BTI/MTI新闻翻译标准"进行了全面升级。升级版其中一项标准是"新闻正义",不仅涉及翻译、新闻等从业人员的专业水准、职业道德,更关乎保持中国大国风范的原则问题。论文特从语篇分析视角讨论一重大新闻报道翻译案例,从而正本清源,展现大国之风范。 In cross-cultural news translation in the age of globalization we have to accept the justice of journalism to keep the noble bearing of China,which calls for the overall upgrading of news translation standard. This author has upgraded news translation yardsticks for BTI and MTI based on his personal 15-year experience of the 21^(st) century in news translation,teaching and research. One of the over-40 upgraded yardsticks is the 'justice of journalism'. That not only concerns the professional standards and ethics of translators and journalists involved but has much more to do with the principle of keeping the noble bearing of the Chinese nation. To do so,this paper cites a discoursal study of an important case concerning news reporting translation for clear illustration.
作者 陈刚
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《上海翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期37-42,95,共6页 Shanghai Journal of Translators
关键词 新闻翻译标准升级 跨文化新闻翻译实践与研究 新闻正义 大国风范 语篇分析 upgrading news translation yardsticks cross-cultural news translation practice and research justice of journalism the noble bearing of a great nation discourse approach
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