We took the shale oil and gas wells in North America as the research object. According to the actual production data of single wells, we used the super hyperbolic decline model to fit production performance, estimated the decline exponent, analyzed the relations between the decline exponent and production time, and applied probability statistics method to establish the probability distribution at different time. Research results showed that the super hyperbolic decline index and final decline rate were main factors affecting unconventional oil and gas wells production prediction and reserves evaluation, and the decline exponent varies with time. When applying the modified hyperbolic decline model at the early stage of devel- opment, we should lay emphasis on the determination of decline exponent h, and the output trend fit by production data in a short time did not actually reflect the future. In addition, we had to set the probability distribution of decline expollents at different periods of time as far as possible to rationally predict output and exploitable yield. We put forward that to combine the expanding exponent decline model and the super hyperbolic decline model to estimate ultimate decline rate. We used the expanding exponent decline model to predict the output with a technical limit and to constrain the super hyperbolic de- cline model to obtain the ultimate decline rate. Case study indicated that the method solved uncertainties during prediction of single-well output at initial stage of unconventional oil and gas development.
Unconventional Oil & Gas
shale oil and gas
modified hyperbolic production decline
super hyperbolic decline
decline exponent
final decline rate
probability statistics