
网络平台支持下的“保险资金管理”课程教学改革研究 被引量:1

Research on the Teaching Reform of Insurance Funds Management with the Support of Network Platform
摘要 互联网保险的发展对新型保险专业人才的能力提出了新的要求。本研究首先构建了PSI型人才能力结构;其次以"保险资金管理"课程为例,从网络平台的应用、课堂教学方法、课外实践活动、成绩评价方法等四个方面进行了课程设计改革;之后基于网络平台将课堂教学、项目教学、课外实践活动等三个子系统进行了有效的连接,构建了旨在培养学生PSI能力的PBL-NP教学模式;最后通过应用后的检验,认为该模式的应用能够取得较好的教学效果。 The development of Internet-based insurance has put forward new requirements on the ability of new insurance professionals. In this study, we first constructed the ability structure of PSI type talents. Then, using Insurance Funds Management course as an example, we reformed the designed of the curriculum from four aspects: the applications of the network platform, classroom instructional methods,extracurricular activities, and performance evaluation methods. After, we constructed the PBL-NP instructional model aiming at cultivating students' PSI ability. This model used a network platform to effectively connect three subsystems of instruction: classroom instruction, project-based teaching, and extracurricular activities. Finally, by evaluating the application of this model, we believed that this model could help achieve a better teaching effect.
作者 郭冬梅
出处 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期84-91,共8页 E-education Research
基金 兰州财经大学教改重点课题"保险专业课程教学方法与策略研究"
关键词 保险专业 学生能力结构 PBL-NP教学模式 课程教学改革 Insurance Major Students' Ability Structure PBL-NP Instructional Model Teaching Reform
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