The form of classroom teaching centered on textbooks becomes more and more solid due to the stereotyped content and schedule of textbooks. Meanwhile, teaching constantly strengthen the complete system of the textbooks. The classroom teaching remains the same after the ten year's heated dispute. It is the foundation of instructional reform that schools and teachers get the right to set curricula, to construct the structure of curricula, to develop and integrate the re- sources and content of curricula, and to improve students~ learning approach with internet technology, instead of changing the form of instruction to trim the superficial characteristics of class teaching. Generally speaking, the content and way of teaching is supplementary to each other, and the innovation of the way of teaching is based on the innovation of the content. The brand--new school teaching is emerging, which will obtain full power and ability of curriculum inno- vation and breakthrough the constraint of curriculum setting and content of textbooks and makes deep change in the way of teaching. Also, these brand new schools are obtaining more flexible and convenient information technology, integrating the high quality resources and changing the old style of teaching.
Research on Modern Basic Education
curriculum innovation, teaching reform, curriculum resource