

Application progress of biomedical engineering simulation in anesthesia teaching
摘要 目前医学院学生和住院医师培训的主要方法仍然是课堂教学、死记硬背地学习和师带徒式传承.虽然这些教学方法均能很好地传授知识,但在技能的培训、复杂病情的管理和团队的决策方面显然存在着难以克服的缺陷.生物医学工程学仿真技术在模拟教学中的应用可以部分弥补这一不足,在医学教学,包括麻醉学教学方面取得良好效果,已经成为教育的趋势,就此课题作一综述. The main teaching methods for medical students and residents are didactic teaching,rote learning and apprenticeship.Although these teaching methods can be good for imparting knowledge,they are obviously insufficient for the training of technical skills,team cooperation and complex decision making.Application of biomedical engineering simulation in the anesthesia teaching can partially compensate for the insufficiency.The progress of biomedical engineering simulation in anesthesia teaching is reviewed and the educational trend was explored.
出处 《国际生物医学工程杂志》 CAS 2016年第1期58-62,共5页 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才项目(2013.3-047) 天津市生物材料重点实验室开放课题
关键词 生物医学工程学仿真 模拟教学 麻醉 Biomedical engineering simulation Simulation teaching Anesthesia
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