

On the Limitations of Translating Ancient Chinese Poems into English From the Perspective of Aesthetic Appreciation Dialectics of "Being" and "Not-being"——A Case Study on English Versions of Book of Poetry
摘要 中国古典诗词的英译一直都是翻译界的一大难题,诗歌自身的独特性及其负载的丰富的文化内涵,使汉诗英译长期在翻译界居于重要地位,也给翻译工作者带来了巨大挑战。文章试图从中国古代道家哲学思想中的"有"和"无"这一审美辩证角度出发,研究汉诗英译与哲学"有无相生"的关系,并引用《诗经》多个英译本中的一些经典例证,分析其中不同的"有"与"无"的表现情况,探求汉诗英译的局限所在,以期对中国古诗的英译实践和理论研究提供新的思路和方向。 Translation of classical Chinese poetry has always been a major problem in the field of translation. With the uniqueness of Chinese poetry itself and its load of rich cultural connotation,translation of Chinese poetry into English has not only occupied an important position in the translation circle for a long time but also brought a great challenge to translators. This paper,from the perspective of aesthetic appreciation dialectics of ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy of " being" and " not- being",tries to explore the relationship between translation Chinese poetry into English and Taoist philosophy. By citing a number of classic examples of multiple English versions of Book of Poetry,the author analyses the different presentation of " being" and " not- being" and explores the limitations of translation of Chinese poetry into English,hoping to provide new ideas and direction to the classical Chinese poetry translation and theoretical research.
作者 施心恬
出处 《成都师范学院学报》 2016年第3期75-80,共6页 Journal of Chengdu Normal University
关键词 “有” “无” 汉诗英译 《诗经》英译 局限 Being Not-being translation of Chinese poetry into English English translation of Book of Poetry limitations
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