
经喉罩实施全身麻醉下支气管介入治疗的应用及价值 被引量:4

Application and value of the bronchial interventional treatment by the laryngeal mask airway under general anesthesia
摘要 与气管插管相比,喉罩置入简单、快捷,对血流动力学影响小,适用的气道病变更加广泛,可以用于包括声门下在内的几乎所有的气管或支气管病变;与硬镜的开放性通气相比,喉罩的密闭通气,通气效果更加确切,经济成本低,符合中国的国情,可以在临床上推广。 Compared to endotracheal intubation,the laryngeal mask airway is more simple and rapid to insert,which has little influence on hemodynamics and can be used more and more widely in almost all of the tracheal or bronchial lesions including subglottic.Compared to opened ventilation of hard lens,the ventilation of laryngeal mask airway is closed,more accurately effective and low cost,which is in accordance with Chinese conditions,and can be extended in clinic.
作者 闫菊 张杰
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2016年第3期238-240,共3页 International Journal of Respiration
关键词 支气管镜检查 麻醉 介入治疗 Bronchoscope Anthesia Interventional therapy
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