
南极普里兹湾表层沉积物微量元素分布特征及其物源指示意义 被引量:7

Distribution and Sources of Trace Metals in the Surface Sediments of Prydz Bay,Antarctica
摘要 利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定了中国南极科考21~27航次期间获取的普里兹湾表层沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Co、Al、Fe、Mn的含量,分析了普里兹湾微量元素的分布特征,结合沉积物粒度分布、生物硅含量,并利用富集系数和主成分分析的方法,探讨了微量元素的物源指示意义。研究结果表明:普里兹湾沉积物中的微量元素含量与南大洋其他海域具有很好的可比性。Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Fe、Mn含量在陆坡深海区明显高于冰架边缘区和陆架区;Al、Pb含量在冰架边缘区较高;而Cd含量在陆架区相对较高。人类活动对普里兹湾沉积物中的微量元素没有明显的影响,南极大陆岩石风化产物和海洋生物源性沉降是其主要来源。冰架边缘区及陆架破折处P2-9站位的微量元素主要为岩源性输入。陆架区、陆坡深海区的微量元素Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Fe、Mn明显受到生源性物质输入的影响。而普里兹湾沉积物中Cd则主要来源于硅藻的吸收利用及硅质软泥的富集。 Trace elements in marine sediment can be used to reflect anthropogenic influence on marine systems,to trace the origin and transformation of the marine substances,to indicate sedimentary environment and early diagenesis,and even to reconstruct the global change of climate. However,studies of trace elements in marine sediments are rarely reported from east Antarctica. In this case,sixteen surface sediments were collected during the 21 stto 27thcruises of Chinese Antarctic Expedition in order to investigate the distribution and source composition of trace elements in the surface sediments from Prydz Bay and east Antarctica. Samples were analyzed using ICP-MS to determine the content of trace elements in the bay. Combined with biogenic silica and grain size of the sediments,the sources of trace elements were discussed based on the enrichment factors and principle component analysis. The results show that the trace metal contents range from 7. 9 to 75. 6 μg / g for Cu,from 6. 7 to 39. 0 μg / g for Pb,from 32. 8 to 96. 6 μg / g for Zn,from 0. 25 to 0. 44 μg / g for Cd,from 28. 0 to 78. 2 μg / g for Cr,from 5. 1 to 17. 8 μg / g for Co,from 1. 26% to3. 22% for Al,from 1. 31% to 3. 30% for Fe and from 158 to 638 μg / g for Mn. The metal contents in the surface sediments from Prydz Bay are comparable to those obtained from the other regions of the Southern Ocean. The contents of Cu,Zn,Cr,Co,Fe and Mn are higher in the open sea and continental slope area; the contents of Al and Pb are higher at the edge of Amery Ice Shelf; while the contents of Cd are higher in the continental shelf area. Pb,Zn,and Cd are significantly enriched in all studied sites; no obvious enrichment is observed for Cu,Cr,Co,Fe and Mn from ice shelf edge and continental shelf area; while all trace elements are variously enriched in the sediments from continental slope and open sea area. The main sources of the trace elements in Prydz Bay are mineral particles derived from the erosion and weathering of the surrounding basement,and marine biological deposition. The trace metals at the edge of the ice shelf and site of P2-9 are primarily from local sourced lithogenic inputs. The trace metals of Cu,Zn,Cr. Co. Fe and Mn in the areas of continental shelf and deep sea are significantly influenced by biological input. The trace element of Cd in the sediments from the bay is suggested to be mainly from biogenic sources,which is assimilated by diatom through the uptake from the water column in the euphotic layer and settled down on the marine floor associated with biogenic silica in the body remains.
出处 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期308-314,共7页 Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41206182 41406219) 中国南北极环境综合调查与评价专项(CHINARE04-04 04-01 01-04)~~
关键词 微量元素 生源 岩源 沉积物 南极 Trace metal Biogenic source Lithogenic source Sediment Antarctica
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