
基于微卫星技术的赣南脐橙溃疡病菌遗传多样性分析 被引量:1

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri Isolated from Gannan Oranges by SSR Technology
摘要 在赣南18个县(市、区)收集到508份柑桔溃疡病菌样品,采用已报道的柑桔溃疡病菌A菌系306菌株(GenBankAccessionno.AE008923)基因组上的14个SSR位点分析遗传多样性。从14个SSR位点中,筛选出用于赣南地区溃疡病菌种群多样性研究的SSR位点7个(XL1、XL2、XL3、XL4、XL5、XL8和XL7),测试得到的Nei’s基因多样性指数在0.66-O.83之间。通过这7个位点分析赣南不同地域的样品发现,大余县样品的遗传多态性最高,定南县样品的遗传多态性最低。采用Structure3.25和PowerMarker2.3.4软件聚类分析发现,赣南18县(市、区)的柑桔溃疡病菌样品分成两个组群,且某些县(区)群体结构构成单一。其中,信丰、定南和章贡区样品群体属于同一组群,兴国和会昌样品群体属于另一组群,其他县(区)样品群体则是由两个组群菌株按不同比例混合构成。 To identify the polymorphism of Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri(Xcc),14 reported SSR loci from 306 strain of Xcc(GenBank Accession no.AE008923)were used to investigate the samples from Xcc-affected plants from 18 counties of Gannan.A total of 7SSR loci were identified,with Nei's genetic diversity index ranging from 0.66 to 0.83,suggesting the high genetic diversity in Gannan's citrus canker pathogen.Analysis of the population structure of Xcc isolates from different geographical locations revealed that Xcc isolates from Dayu county had the highest diversity,whereas isolates from Dingnan county had the lowest diversity.All of isolates from Gannan were clustered into two groups by Powermarker 3.25 and structure 2.3.4.Xcc isolates from some counties and districts were constituted nearly in a single group.Samples collected from Xinfeng,Dingnan and Zhanggongqu were clustered in one group and samples collected from Xingguo and Huichang belonged to the other group,the remaining samples were distributed in both of these two groups.
出处 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2016年第2期28-32,37,共6页 South China Fruits
基金 农业部公益性行业农业科研专项(201003067-02)资助
关键词 赣南 柑桔黄单胞菌柑桔亚种 遗传多样性 微卫星技术 Gannan Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri genetic diversity microsatellite
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