To identify the polymorphism of Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri(Xcc),14 reported SSR loci from 306 strain of Xcc(GenBank Accession no.AE008923)were used to investigate the samples from Xcc-affected plants from 18 counties of Gannan.A total of 7SSR loci were identified,with Nei's genetic diversity index ranging from 0.66 to 0.83,suggesting the high genetic diversity in Gannan's citrus canker pathogen.Analysis of the population structure of Xcc isolates from different geographical locations revealed that Xcc isolates from Dayu county had the highest diversity,whereas isolates from Dingnan county had the lowest diversity.All of isolates from Gannan were clustered into two groups by Powermarker 3.25 and structure 2.3.4.Xcc isolates from some counties and districts were constituted nearly in a single group.Samples collected from Xinfeng,Dingnan and Zhanggongqu were clustered in one group and samples collected from Xingguo and Huichang belonged to the other group,the remaining samples were distributed in both of these two groups.
South China Fruits