
生物法制备活性维生素D_3的现状简述 被引量:3

Overview on the biotechnological preparation of activated vitamin D_3
摘要 活性维生素D_3(VD_3)是一种人体内不可或缺的脂溶性维生素,它具有调节人体钙磷代谢以及控制骨骼细胞生长分化的重要生理功效。综述了目前针对生物法制备活性VD_3的限制性因素及其解决对策,从重组基因工程菌的表达、人工电子传递链的构建、全细胞辅酶再生体系的建立、底物细胞膜通透性的改善4个方面进行阐述。 Activated vitamin D3 is an essential fat-soluble vitamin in human body, which possesses the important physiological function in regulation the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and controlling the growth and differentiation of skeletal cells. This review summarized the limitations of biotechnological preparation of the activated vitamin D3 and focused on the corresponding countermeasures. The expression of gene in the engineered strain, the construction of artificial electron transport chain, the establishment of whole cell coenzyme regeneration system and the improvement of substrate membrane permeability were described in this paper.
出处 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 2016年第1期61-64,共4页 Bulletin of Fermentation Science and Technology
基金 浙江省教育厅项目(Y201329109)
关键词 活性维生素D3 生物法制备 人工电子传递链 辅酶再生 activated vitamin D3 biotechnological preparation artificial electron transfer chain coenzyme regeneration
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