

Update in artificial pancreas clinical studies
摘要 良好的血糖控制可以延缓糖尿病并发症的发生和进展。自动控制的人工胰岛装置能够模拟胰岛生理性血糖控制,精细调节血糖水平。人工胰岛可能是糖尿病治疗领域里最具前景的方法之一。 Good glycemic control can delay the occurrence and development of diabetic complications. Artificial pancreas, which autonomously mimics the physiologic glucose control of pancreas islet, regulates the blood glucose subtly. Artificial pancreas seems to be one of the promising glucose control approaches.
出处 《中华内分泌代谢杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期257-260,共4页 Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
关键词 糖尿病 胰岛素输注系统 人工胰岛 Diabetes mellitus Insulin infusion system Artificial pancreas
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