
移民与回流:近十余年澳大利亚华人与印度人跨国人口迁移比较研究——国际人力资源竞争的视角 被引量:3

Immigrants and Migration Return:A Comparative Study of Population Migration of Chinese and Indian Immigrants to Australia during Last Decade,from the Perspective of International HR Competition
摘要 自殖民地时代以来,澳大利亚华人移民和印度人移民便有着近乎相同的跨国人口迁移经历和历史记忆。新千年以来华人移民和印度人移民对澳跨国人口迁移不仅表现出一定的共性特征,其差异性亦更加明显:近年华人对澳移民势头趋缓,回流潮逐渐高涨,使得中国对澳人才流失状况逐步改善;印度人对澳移民热情不减,已成为澳大利亚第一大海外移民来源族群,且回流者寥寥,使得印度对澳人才流失问题仍持续恶化。从国际人力资源竞争视角来看,中印两国整体实力差距已不可同日而语。然而,在对澳跨国人口迁移问题上,中国应该认识到:大量印度人移民澳大利亚并融入主流社会,可能发挥比华人移民更大的影响。因此,不能片面地强调减少对外人才流失,吸引海外人才回流中国,还应充分重视对外移民的重要价值和潜在意义。 Chinese and Indian immigrants to Australia have gone through almost the same transnational population migration experience and history since colonial times.Both Chinese immigrants and Indian immigrants to Australia indicate some characters in common but somehow with obvious variation:Chinese people have slowed down the migrating momentum and migration return to China has slightly run high,which has gradually made the situation of brain drain improved.However India has topped the largest country of immigrant Australians.At the same time,Indian immigrants rarely return to India,which leads India to sustained deterioration of outflow of talents.From the perspective of international human resource competition,China's national strength is apparently much more competitive than India.However,upon the issue of transnational population migration,China must be highly aware of the possibility that numerous Indians' migrating to Australia and integrating into mainstream society may lead Indian-background Australians to more powerful and competitive advantages than Chinese migrants.Therefore,it is crucial to not only reduce the brain drain and attract more talents return to China,but also pay high attention to important value and potential significance of emigration.
作者 颜廷
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期123-146,150-151,共24页 South Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目"澳大利亚亚洲移民政策与亚洲新移民问题研究(20世纪70年代至今)"(项目批准号:11BRK002) 国家民委民族问题研究项目"海外少数民族华人文化适应 身份认同与社会组织研究"(项目编号:2014-GM-108)的中期研究成果
关键词 澳大利亚 华人移民 印度人移民 回流 国际人力 资源竞争 Australia Chinese Migrants Indian Migrants Migration Return International Human Resource Competition
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