为了实时测量舰船浮态及摇摆周期等稳性指标的变化,开发了一种电子横摇指示记录系统。系统以ARMCortex-M3微处理器为核心,利用MEMs惯性器件与磁阻传感器构建姿态敏感单元,采用旋转矢量姿态更新算法与频域周期测量方法,配合SD卡存储单元与FATFS Module文件系统,实现了舰船摇摆角、摇摆周期的实时测量与数据存储。测试实验表明:在2个小时内水平姿态解算精度为0.1°,周期测量精度约为0.1s,独立供电待机时长可达30天,并具有测量稳定、实时性强、功耗小、成本低等优点,具有较强的工程应用价值。
In order to measure ship's buoyancy state and the period of sway ,the marine electronic roll indicator and re-corder is developed based on 32-bit MCU which has an ARM Cortex-M3 core .The attitude measurement unit is built by MEMs inertial component and magnetism sensors and the rotation vector attitude update algorithm is adopted .The period of ship sway is calculated by FFT period measure method on frequency domain .SD card memory unit and file system of FATFS Module the system can save the calculate data .Measurement tests verify that the algorithm achieve the precision of level atti-tude of 0 .1° in 2 hours and the precision of period measurement of 0 .1s .The system can work steadily and continuously for about 30 days with the advantage of low power ,real-time and low cost .Therefore the system has the engineer application values .
Ship Electronic Engineering