为满足规范对平台供应船节能环保的规定以及用户对规范修改后不需要修改图纸的要求,根据87 m平台供应船母型船提供了3种主尺度,经过分析对比确定了75 m平台供应船为最终方案。通过分析平台供应船的用途,在符合船舶稳性的前提下,对全船舱室进行了合理的布置。实船证明,该船满足规范要求,舱室布置合理,振动和噪音小。
For satisfying the regulations to the platform supply vessel energy saving and environmental protection of rules and the user requirements not to modify the drawings after rules amending,according to a 87 m platform supply vessel the paper offers three main dimensions,confirms the final projects of a 75 m platform supply vessel through comparative analysis. Through the analysis of the platform supply vessel use,in line with the premise of ship stability satisfying,the paper arranges the whole ship cabin. The real ship proofs that the ship satisfies the rules requirements,cabin layout is reasonable,has low vibration and noise.
Jiangsu Ship