
女大学生体育锻炼与健康的调查分析 被引量:1

Survey of Female College Students Physical Exercise and Health
摘要 为了解体育锻炼对女大学生健康的影响,采用了大学生心理健康测试量表、社会适应能力诊断量表、大学生身体健康状况自编调查问卷及访谈的方法,选取了广东省2所本科院校、2所高职院校的408名女大学生为研究对象,从女大学生存在的健康问题、不同体育锻炼习惯对女大学生心理健康、身体健康、社会适应能力的影响进行了调查研究,结果表明:体育锻炼对女大学生心理健康的影响显著、能改善身体健康状况、对社会适应能力的影响不显著。本研究建议:鼓励没有体育锻炼习惯的女大学生参加体育锻炼、鼓励已参加体育锻炼的女大学生持之以恒地坚持、鼓励女大学生适当参加体育团体项目锻炼,以提高社会适应力,进而达到促进自身健康的发展。 To understand the impact of physical activity on the health of female university students, this study, using UPI,social adaptability diagnostic scale, students' physical health self questionnaire and interview, choose as subjects 408 female college students in 2 colleges and 2 higher vocational schools in Guangdong t o conduct a survey on these female students from their existing health problems to the impact of female college students' different physical exercise habit on their physical health,mental health and Social adaptability. Results show that significant effect of physical training on mental health of female college students, the improvement of physical health, but insignificant influence on social adaptability. This paper suggests that those female students without physical exercise habits should be encouraged to participate in physical exercise, those with such habits should be encouraged to participate in physical activity consistently, female students should be encouraged to take part in proper group physical exercise project,to improve their social adaptability, and thus promote their healthy development.
作者 黄新红
出处 《清远职业技术学院学报》 2016年第2期86-90,共5页 Journal of Qingyuan Polytechnic
关键词 女大学生 体育锻炼 心理健康 社会适应 身体健康 Female students Physical exercise Mental health Social adaptability Healthy body
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