
miRNA-10基因家族序列分析及其在鹅卵巢组织表达分析 被引量:4

Sequence Analysis of miRNA-10 Gene Family and Its Expression in Ovarian Tissue of Goose
摘要 为探明鹅卵巢miRNA-10基因家族(miRNA-10s)在生殖周期内的表达变化规律,从Solexa深度测序鹅卵巢miRNA表达谱中获取miR-10s家族成员(miR-10、miR-10a、miR-10b、miR-10c、miR-10d、miR-100、miR-100a、miR-100b)成熟序列,并进行序列分析,选择表达丰度较高的miR-10s家族成员(miR-10a、miR-10d、miR-100a)进行RT-qPCR检测。结果发现,鹅卵巢miRNA-10s的成熟序列同源性很高,序列长度(20-24 nt)相近,保守碱基14个,其前体序列具有典型的二级茎环结构。RT-qPCR检测结果显示,miR-100a在排卵前期和就巢期卵巢表达量极显著高于开产前期和排卵后期(P〈0.01),而miR-10a和miR-10d在各个生殖周期内表达变化不大(P〉0.05),提示鹅卵巢miR-100a在生殖周期内发挥了一定作用。 This experiment was conducted to investigate the expression regularity of miR-10gene family in goose reproductive cycle.The mature sequence of miR10s including mi R-10,miR-10a,miR-10b,miR-10c,miR-10d,miR-100,miR-100a,miR-100b were obtained from the mi RNA expression profile by Solexa sequencing.Sequence analysis of the mature sequence showed that ovarian mi RNA-10s shared high homology with 20 to 24 nt length,and the precursor sequences had typical stem-loop structure.In addition,miR-10a,miR-10d and miR-100a were selected and their expression level were detected in ovarian tissue of goose reproductive cycle of pre-laying stage,ovulation,oviposition,and the broody phase.More miR-100a expression was detected at ovulation and broody phase than that in pre-laying and oviposition phase.The results revealed that miR-100a could play an important role in regulation of reproductive activity in goose.
出处 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2016年第6期6-9,共4页 China Poultry
基金 江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201411117050Y) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-43-3) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(苏政办发[2011]137号)
关键词 卵巢组织 miRNA-10s 序列分析 定量表达 goose ovarian tissue miR-10s sequence analysis quantitative expression
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