

A Kind of Radical Postcolonial Ecocritical Theory——On Postcolonial Ecocriticism: Literature, Animals and Environment
摘要 后殖民生态批评是西方学术界新近确立的一种文学理论思潮,旨在探究文学、动物与环境三者间的相互关系,是近年来后殖民研究不断"生态转向"的产物。在后殖民生态批评得以正式确立的过程中,澳大利亚学者格雷厄姆·哈根与海伦·蒂芬可谓居功至伟。《后殖民生态批评》的一系列激进主张,诸如在全球化时代抵抗发展中的新殖民主义与西方意识形态霸权、通过文学手段恢复非西方意识形态影响下对自然的认知、校正历史上殖民体系与现今全球化时代互相碰撞所形成的各种矛盾话语以及通过各种途径来建构一个真正后帝国主义时代的、以环保为导向的生态群落等目标,无疑为我们在全球化情势下审视和研究英语文学开辟了广阔的前景。 As a kind of literary theory recently established in western academia, Postcolonial Ecocriticism aims to explore the relationships between literature, animals and environment, which is a product of "the ecological turn" of the postcolonial studies in recent years. From the very beginning of this century to the formal establishment of Postcolonial Ecocriticism, Australian scholars Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin deserve full recognition as far as their contributions to this field are concerned. A series of radical ideas in Postcolonial Ecocriticism, such as the resistance to the growing new colonialism and the western ideological hegemony in the era of globalization, the restoration of the cognition of nature under the influence of non-western ideology by means of literature, the correction of various contradictory words formed in the collision of the colonial system in history and today's era of globalization, and the construction of a real post-imperial, environment-friendly ecological community through various means, undoubtedly open up broad prospects for us in the reviewing and studying of English literature under the circumstances of globalization.
作者 宋静
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期66-73,共8页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 后殖民生态批评 格雷厄姆·哈根 海伦·蒂芬 激进 Postcolonial Ecocriticism Graham Huggan Helen Tiffin radical
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